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Company: Indo Naturals AS 

Address: PB 1741, Vika, 0121 Oslo, Norway





Company: Source for Future Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

  • What do you mean by eco-conscious?
    We strive for the most ecologically beneficial product sourcing possible. We take various factors into consideration both in terms of raw material choices, production method, packaging and transportation. Even though it might not be perfect in every way, we believe we are managing one of the world's most sustainable supply chains. We will continue to improve whenever new possibilities arise. The information provided to you with each product sustainability report includes environmental assessments and choices. For specific questions regarding individual products please contact us.
  • What do you mean by fair trade?
    We are a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and follow their principles and criteria. We monitor each of our producers through our monitoring system created on the basis of the WFTO principles and criteria. This includes monitoring visits, improvement plans, living wage calculations, and WFTO audits of both our company and the producers we work with. You can read more about WFTO, their principles and criteria here.
  • How do you assure fair trade?
    We work to assure fair trade through assessments, monitoring visits, evaluations, improvement plans, living wage calculations, capacity building activities and independent audits. Read more about this work here. Read more about how we calculate living wages here. Being a part of the the World Fair Trade Organization system is not an easy task, yet we believe that fair trade is essential for reaching the UN sustainable development goals, and assuring justice, human rights and peace. It's our responsibility to assure that our trade is fair, and that one day, all trade is fair.
  • What do you mean by fair pricing?
    We often refer to fair pricing. What we mean by that is a price which is fair 1. …to the producers and workers, which refers to a local living wage 2. …to you as a B2B buyer and thus also to the final consumers so fair trade and eco-conscious products can become available to more and more people 3. …to the environment and not created only picking the cheapest raw materials, but the ones that has the lowest negative impact and preferably a positive environmental impact
  • How do you work to minimize product and supply chain Co2 emissions?
    Before neutralizing we strive to minimize the Co2 emissions from our supply chain. We consider Co2 when choosing raw materials, transport methods, production methods, packaging and product design. By having the products made close to the main raw materials we reduce transport and encourage manual techniques. This also means that more of the manufacturing and value adding stays behind in rural areas, helping to create development. Following production, all our product orders are shipped by sea. Co2 emissions from international sea freight most often account for a very small part of a product’s total emissions. Raw material choice and production method are often the biggest drivers of Co2 emissions in a product, alongside private customer package delivery. Read more about our work to minimize Co2 emissions here.
  • How do you estimate product Co2 emissions?
    We estimate each product's Co2 emissions including emissions for main raw material, transportation of main raw material to production, production energy use, transportation of products to our hub, estimated emissions from our hub, packaging, and transportation from hub to fulfillment center in Europe. We use various sources of data to estimate the Co2 emissions and we compare our numbers with other estimation tools when possible to assure preciseness. Next to giving us valuable information used to effectively reduce our emissions, and providing transparency on our supply chain, the estimates are used when we neutralize each product order’s Co2 emissions. Read more about how we neutralize our Co2 emissions here. Estimates are never perfect but we’ll continue to improve them, and to be sure, we try to overestimate rather than underestimate.
  • How do you offset the product's CO2 emissions?
    Following these mitigation strategies, we neutralize based on our Co2 estimation. The estimation includes main raw materials, transportation*, and production. We work together with NGOs, marginalized farmers and local deforestation and ecosystem rehabilitation projects to plant trees that neutralize Co2. These projects also seek to provide a sustainable livelihood to farmers and healthy ecosystems for wildlife and plantlife. Read more about our Co2 neutralization here. *transportation includes main raw material transportation to producers, transportation from producer to our hub, transportation from hub to export port and import port to fulfillment center as well as sea freight.
  • What do you mean by sustainable?
    Sustainability is complicated. For a product or material to be sustainable you need to be able to use it for all eternity without it causing harm to the environment or society. Knowing if that’s true for a product is next to impossible. However, in our sustainability reports we summarize our analysis and assessment of the products' impact to create a picture of each products’ sustainability. We also seek to source and create products which provide quality, value and have the lowest environmental impact possible.
  • What’s in the Sustainability Report?
    For every product order, we deliver a one-page sustainability report. This provides all the most important information about the products. Including circularity, production and raw material details as well as social and environmental impact. The report also illustrates the connection to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and provides a Co2 estimation. Read more about the sustainability reports here.
  • What is the lead time for pre-orders?
    The lead time is between 3-5 months depending on production, raw materials, seasonal factors and more. This is proudly a bit long. Why? Ever heard of slow fashion as an important way of making the fashion industry sustainable? Well, the same goes for other products. When we allow more time for the producer to be produced it allows for the products to be more environmental and social sustainability in several ways: The producer will not feel pressured to put workers on too much over time - this would also not comply with our fair trade standards It allows for hand making of products which impact more livelihoods and result in less energy and thus Co2 emissions It results in products of higher quality which result in less waste It accommodates sea freight instead of air freight which has a large effect on reducing Co2 emissions from transportation It allows for using of raw materials that takes longer to source but are better for the environment and society
  • How do I order and pay for the products?
    Some of our products are up for ordering and paying for directly in our order catalogue. Payment is done through a payment link. For other products we need to get in touch with you so we can coordinate a pre-order. This can be done at the product page of the specific product by sending in your email, or you can contact us on our chat, contact form or email. We usually request a part pre-payment before starting on creating your pre-order. We keep you in the loop about where your products are, and when they will arrive. If you have any questions about a product, do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Can you custom pack and label my products?
    Yes. We specialize in recycled, upcycled, recycable and compostable packaging and labeling solutions. Check them out and contact us for customization. We will package/label your product with your custom packaging for you, so when the products arrive, they are ready for marketing and sales. Read more about our packaging and labeling solutions here.
  • Can I develop a product for my brand with you?
    Yes. For specific product developments click here. We can help you develop a product either with design assistance or using your own design package/tech pack. Design assistance has an hourly service fee.
  • I can't find the product I’m looking for. What should I do?
    Contact us here and we’ll get back to you and let you know if your request is something we can deliver. We have many partners and contacts not included on this webpage.
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